7 days of Album Artwork: #5 – Comdown Machine


via stereogum.com


This shouldn’t take too long. Get the review and design info below:

The Strokes have been around since 2001, making garage-band-style rock. Though the height of their popularity was after the release of their first album, Is This It, they still have a strong following. They plan to release their 5th album on March 26th, The Comedown Machine, which includes some minimal design. Yes, that is actually the album cover above. Here’s the lead single:


via stereogum.com

And here’s the cover for a promotional song that was released from the album:


via stereogum.com

I included the “One Way Trigger” artwork because I think it is the most visually interesting out of the trio. I like the effect of the ink splatter, and how it leads you visually to the song’s title.

When I asked a friend about the Comedown Machine album cover he said, “No, I love it. It’s harkening back to their roots.” I had to agree with him. The entire treatment is meant to convey that the music is coming out of the studio as directly as possible: the single is on it’s original tape; the album is in the sleeve it was delivered to the record label in. It doesn’t leave the audience much to chew on visually, but The Strokes have always been more dedicated to their music anyways.

Putting aside the album’s theme, the design work for the album has very nice details. One example is the weathering on the label at the bottom right of the album cover. It look like the recording is ten years old, as though The Strokes found this record underneath a box somewhere in the studio and decided to release it as-is. Considering their past success, this might be a good narrative to bring up.

Also, I love the color choice, and I wonder how much is the designer’s decision and how much is already decided by RCA. Still, I love the faded tan used in all three covers, and also how the red/orange of the album cover is used on the labels of the two songs.

I’ll close with one observation, and I want to know whether this bothers you. I’ve been comparing the two visually for a while, and I’m certain the script for ‘The Strokes’ on the covers of both “All the Time” and “One Way Trigger” are exactly the same. Is this sloppy design work, or a completely valid way of keeping the designs for the album consistent?

When I said on the First Day of Album Artwork it had been a questionable year for album artwork so far, this is partially what I had in mind. Like some of the other albums reviewed, I can understand the concept, even if I don’t think it should have been the album cover. I’d like to get your opinions – is the concept too minimal, or does it work?

Check out the rest of the 7 Days of Album Artwork:

Day #1: Mosquito – Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Day #2: The Next Day – David Bowie

Day #3: Bankrupt! – Pheonix

Day #4: I Am Not A Human Being II – Lil Wayne


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