Bioshock vs. Bioshock Infinite: Design Smackdown

Completing Bioshock Infinite last weekend was a profound experience for me, just as completing the first game of the series was a profound experience almost a year ago. This video game is an artistic triumph – a triumph of technology, a triumph of storytelling, and especially, a triumph of design.

Bioshock Infinite was released on March 26th, in the long shadow of its predecessor, the original Bioshock, which was released August 2007. Both games fall under the category of first person shooter video games, but really they are interactive movies. While we were playing, my friend said Infinite is “like a movie you have to press a button every now and then to move along”.

No spoilers, but Bioshock Infinite lives up every bit to the storytelling legacy left by the original. But how did the visuals fare? Did Bioshock Infinite surpass the original, or did it fall behind? Let’s find out.


This is obviously where graphic design has the biggest role.

Bioshock Infinite:


Advantage: Bioshock – Bioshock’s cover makes good use of the perspective going to the back left, and it has better proportions than Infinite’s. Side note – look how the figures in both covers have similar postures.


This is where a lot of the artistry is. Both games had completely enveloping settings. Here are some of the best from both.

Bioshock Infinite:


Edge: Infinite. Bioshock’s settings were terrifying and suspenseful, while Bioshock Infinite’s were truly awe inspiring.

Graphic Design:
I’m taking a quick second to focus on the in-game graphic design. First, graphic design is my favorite (don’t tell architecture), Second, the posters, signage, and typography used in the game are key to building such an immersive world. Let’s take a look

Bioshock Infinite:


Advantage: Infinite. Infinite was lush with details, including many incredible posters. The original was also amazing, especially when it came to a well-designed interface, but nothing can match the detail of Infinite.

Character Design


Tie. Infinite was very creative with its character design, including the Mechanized Patriots modeled after the Founding Fathers, the humongous motorized Songbird, or the creepy-as-hell Boys of Silence. The original was simply scary. No character designs encapsulate terror like a Big Daddy. Honorable mention in the scary category goes to the Spider Slicer, pictured below.


Both Bioshocks are very different experiences. Both are very worth experiencing. I’m afraid that choosing a winner would imply that the other game isn’t an absolutely astounding artistic achievement. Both games obviously are that.

Still, Bioshock Infinite creates a completely enveloping world unlike any game I’d ever played before. This is due to the amazing detail to the games scenery, characters, and even in-game poster. Bioshock Infinite just barely beats out the original.

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