7 Days of Album Artwork

Yesterday, I completed the 7 Days of Album Artwork series, which was a personal challenge to get me blogging regularly. Each day, I focused on the cover art from an upcoming or recently released album. I gave what info I could find on the designer and the musician’s involvement in the design, and then I gave my opinions. If you want to read one or all of these posts, here’s a masterpost with links to all of them.

Day #1: Mosquito – Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Day #2: The Next Day – David Bowie

Day #3: Bankrupt! – Pheonix

Day #4: I Am Not A Human Being II – Lil Wayne

Day #5: Comedown Machine – The Strokes

Day #6: Heartthrob – Tegan and Sara

Day #7: Warrior – Ke$ha